1. One of the greatest enjoyments of Tai Chi is wonderful relaxation. The mind finds the ability to still itself and this stillness reflects into the conscious level of the mind which then reflects into the physical body. Concentration of mental energies allows for greater focus. Each time you perform Tai Chi you draw powerful, healing life supporting energies to heal you mentally, physically and emotionally.
2. Heart and Circulatory system. Tai Chi is a gently powerful exercise for the heart, without the excessive strains such as running etc... Tai Chi lowers the heart rate, increasing blood flow and the diameter of the blood vessels and studies have shown that people who practise Tai Chi were less likely to have high blood pressure.
3. Respiratory system. Diaphragmatic breathing increases the function of the lungs and helps to oxygenate the blood whilst removing toxins from the body.
4. Muscular system. The gentle movements of Tai Chi allow the muscles to work gently without undue strain.
5. Skeletal system. The joints are aligned properly which helps aid their free action and together with the improvements in the muscular system, posture is improved considerably.
6. Digestive system. Diaphragmatic breathing and the movements of the waist during the Tai Chi movements help to massage the digestive system which in turn helps the digestive system to work with greater efficiency.
7. Stability. Tai Chi provides an ideal mix of joint strengthening with gentle twisting and turning which is very effective in helping prevent falls particularly in older people.
8. Arthritis. The benefits of Tai Chi for arthritis sufferers has long been recognised. Through gentle exercise and by stimulating circulation Tai Chi drives stiffness from the joints.
9. Calories. Designed as a complete workout for your muscles, joints, ligaments and internal organs Tai Chi is a low impact style of exercise which burns calories.
Articles of interest - please click relevant article.
Tai Chi is the perfect antidote to the digital age
NHS Health Benefits of Tai Chi
BBC Trust Me I am a Doctor Health Benefits of Tai Chi